Contributor Guidelines | Trains Magazine

We rely heavily on reader-submitted digital images, provided they are of sufficient resolution for magazine reproduction.
You may upload your digital images to Please choose “Trains” and provide caption data in the comment field. You will receive an email message indicating that your images were successfully uploaded. Digital image submissions may be archived for future use. Please keep this in mind when submitting to multiple publications.
If submitting news photos, please send them as soon as possible after the event. If you are submitting news photos to multiple railroad publications, it is best to send different views to each so that each publication has exclusive photos.
Digital images should be at least 6 megapixels in size, however we prefer images that are 12 megapixels or larger for greater flexibility. Send only original, unaltered files directly from the digital camera. JPG files are useable, but we prefer RAW files (Canon CR2, Nikon NEF, etc.).
Caption information submitted with uploads should include: Location; date; railroad the train is operating on (not just the locomotives pictured); and train symbol, if known. Our archivist/librarian may contact you for additional information in the image is stored for future use.
We prefer 35mm or medium-format original color transparencies. Black and white prints should be 8×10 inches in size. Color prints cannot be used.
We cannot use images made from home scanners, and do not send negatives or duplicate slides.
For other questions about digital image submissions, e-mail us at [email protected].
Mail photos to:
Trains Magazine
Photo Submissions
P.O. Box 1612
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612
Review time and return policy:
A staff member will acknowledge receipt of your photographs the day they arrive via email (if provided).
If you are sending us news photographs, please send them as quickly as possible after the event you photographed.
When submitting slides, please indicate if we may keep them on file for possible future use, or if we should return slides that are not immediately used. Trains assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited photos or articles.
If you would like your slides returned, please provide a stamped, self-addressed envelope of suitable size.
We try to return unused images within two months if their return has been requested. Slides kept on file will be returned upon email or written request. Please provide caption data as photos are filed by railroad. The photo files that serve Trains are open to other Kalmbach publications, which pay separately for use.
Please allow us sufficient time to review your images.
Rights and payment rates:
Trains pays for the one-time editorial use of a photograph, upon publication.
Standard rates are based on published size of the photo, and vary from $15 to $300. We require Social Security or Federal Taxpayer I.D. numbers from U.S. contributors before we can issue checks for photos or stories.
Captioning photographs:
Digital photo submissions should include complete caption information: Date, location, railroad the scene occurs on, and any other relevant details. If available, photographers should also include the train symbol, where applicable.
Each slide mount or print must have the photographer’s name and address on it. Slides should have as much information on the mount as possible (location, date, and subject). Expanded information may be included on a separate sheet.
Prints should have the photographer’s complete name and address on the back, with caption information included on the back or on an attached sheet. Do not type on the print, and do not use rubber cement. Attach caption information to prints with transparent tape or self-adhesive labels, or use an attached sheet.
Since Trains pays for only one-time use of photos, the original slide or negative still belongs to the photographer, so we cannot provide copies of photos that appear in our pages, and our policy prohibits release of addresses of non-commercial contributors. Inquiries will be forwarded for response at the photographers’ discretion.
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Date : 2020-10-19 07:00:00