Telegram channels offer explicit sex videos, photos for a fee in similar vein to SG Nasi Lemak

SINGAPORE – A rash of members-only groups are sharing illicit, sexually explicit videos and images on messaging platform Telegram to those willing to pay a one-time fee of less than $100.
Unlike the notorious SG Nasi Lemak Telegram chat group, which disseminated similar content and had more than 44,000 members at its peak before being shut down in October 2019, these new groups have learnt to work in the shadows.
On top of setting quotas on the number of people admitted to avoid being found out, they also operate as channels, which prevents subscribers from identifying other members.
Admission is granted only after payment, and subscribers are either sent a link or added directly to the channel by the owner.
The channels, which feature videos of mainly Singaporean women performing sex acts, are sorted by ethnicity, with names like “Rojak Studios” and “XMM Institute”.
The Straits Times uncovered six such channels and believes there are more of them.
Content is submitted by unnamed people or, in some cases, likely stolen from unsuspecting victims’ devices. Regular updates are promised as well.
Administrators of the channels tout videos of girls from secondary school to university, along with revenge pornography and footage taken from spy cameras hidden in public places like changing rooms.
The channels are advertised elsewhere on Telegram, and are accompanied by previews of content available only to paying customers.
When The Straits Times contacted an account administrator to ask about access, he said it would cost $50 to join a channel that featured young girls. Membership now stands at about 50 people.
The administrator promised “1,000 per cent anonymity”, and said the group routinely switches to backup channels and moves paying subscribers to the new channels.
When asked if there were photographs and videos of secondary school students, the administrator, who remained anonymous, said such content was available, and was obtained from “special sources” and not from the Internet.
Subscription fees can be paid using PayLah via a QR code or a bank transfer.
Checks on the PayLah account linked to the QR code found that it belonged to an account called Wise Asia, while the bank transfer was to be made to a POSB savings account – under the name John.
PayLah allows users to set custom usernames that can be viewed by others, so ST was unable to find out the name of the administrator.
Circulating obscene materials electronically is an offence in Singapore, and those found guilty can face a jail term of up to three months, a fine or both.
Those found in possession of obscene films face a jail term of up to six months and a fine of up to $20,000.
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Date de Publication : 2023-10-26 09:00:00
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